Quilter’s DNA

Quilter’s DNA was my second show quilt (Asheville Quilt Show, 2011) and my first attempt at paper-piecing.  It won second place in it’s category (Large Pieced, Non-Professional).  QDNA was accepted into the 2012 AQS Des Moines Show, and while there I was featured in an AQS YouTube video.  It was also juried into the Mancuso Denver Quiltfest.

Like almost all of my quilts, this was an original design.  I wanted to do a sampler quilt and after doodling around with various non-traditional settings, I came up with a spiral that needed paper-piecing because of the precision required.  I developed a process for creating skewed blocks to achieve the curved appearance.  (I offer a workshop in Skewed and Warped Blocks, which is described in the HeQuilts Store).


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